Current practice actualities

Journal "Current practice actualities" publish unpublished original works in the field of sports, but also common (biological, human, social and natural) sciences
It is published for thirty years with little interruption during which time 94 numbers were published and follows modern trend of sports and related sciences. Authors were all eminent experts from our country and occasionally published works by foreign authors..
List of all papers and authors´ names (XLS)
If you want to order some of these works is you pay for a selected work of 200 dinars to the bank account: 840-846668-69. You will send us an email or phone call (021/572-224) to leave your information (address and telephone number) data (year, number, name and title of) the method (via email or mail) and we will send works to you when there is a payment on our account.
The journal is shared for free on seminars that we organize, in a meeting with athletes and their coaches and in cases of purchasing sports literature in our edition as a gift.
Instructions for potential authors
Journal "Current practice actualities" publish unpublished original works in the field of sports, but also common (biological, human, social and natural) sciences. Requirement for disclosure is that the works are based on new empirical experiences.
Contributions to the journal can be interpreted as "legitimate" (scientific or professional papers, presentations, professional experience, reviews and comments, statements, debates and interviews, and historical views) and "illegitimate" (in memoriam, news, bibliographies, translated articles, normative acts ...). Paper can be categorized as: an original scientific paper (1), review article (2), short or preliminary announcement (3) and scientific criticism-polemic (4). Professional paper can be: professional work (1), an information item (2) and display (3).
The text of manuscripts must be concise and linguistically correct, printed on your computer (font is "Times New Roman, size 12, single spacing), Latin. Text length should not exceed 6 pages. With the complete text to A-4 format if it is not sent on e-mail, you must submit a CD with a recording of the text and all attachments.
The manuscript must contain:
1. name and surname (all) of of authors (preferably middle name), title and affiliation, and contact details (address) of authors;
2. title and type of manuscript, its category and source (if it is derived from a larger publication, the study) and where he may have been presented (kind of exposure, name consulting, category, location and date);
3. summary and its translation into english;
4. introduction, with a brief reference to issues;
5. methodology with information about the sample, measuring instruments and data processing (if it is a scientific research), that is on the methods applied in the implementation issues (in other cases);
6. results with text, tabular or graphical explanation of problem and the accompanying discussion;
7. conclude with a short summarizing the problems and opportunities presented its application into praxis;
8. cited references - literature.
Title should be as faithful as possible to present the content of the article. In this sense are words suitable for indexing and searching. Should be given in Serbian and English.
The summary should be brief informational presentation of the contents of the article. It should have 100-150 words. Its components are: purpose of the research, methods, results and conclusion. At the end of the summary should specify the key words (no more than 10). Key words are provided in same languages in which are given summaries.
The text of the complete paper must have a clear articulation, the designated leveling titles and subheadings and a complete structure in order to provide certain types of attachments (scientific or technical papers, communication, controversy, etc.). The quality of references must refer to cited and not on used literature. Footnotes (or endnotes) should be applied from the current convention, and if the work has abbreviations or codes it should be explained separately (decrypt). All contributions, the author should locate them in the segment of text which speaks about the tables, illustrations, charts. If this is a comprehensive text, enclose them in the end of text. Each of the articles should be understandable, well done, with a title and explanation marks.
The conclusion is the wider version of the abstract with a brief reference to implementation issues, the confirmation or negation of assumptions (hypotheses), and the possibilities of the application or implementation of this problem in practice. Should not contain more than 250 letters (half a page).
Cited literature includes bibliographic sources. It is presented in a separate section of the article (not in footnote). Should be given only those works that are cited in the paper, mark them with Arabic numerals, placed in alphabetical order of authors, without translation of the text. All other information (name of publication and data) to indicate according to current APA standard1.
Manuscripts are subject of review and categorization (according to the internal articulation of the journal). Editorial board reserves the right to shorten the manuscript, as well as possible changes in the text and titles. Manuscripts are not returned. Remuneration of published articles is not provided. Editors dont provide separates to the author, but provide two copies of the journals in which the author has an article.
Manuscripts that are not made according to the above instructions will not enter into consideration for publication.
1 APA Rules (standards)
If it is a book, it must contain:
Last name and author first letter of name. (year of publication). Book name. Place. Publisher.
A chapter in the book must contain:
Last name and author first letter of name. (year of publication). Title of chapter. In: Initial (s) of name and surname of editor (Ed.). Book title (pages from-to). Place. Publisher.
A journal article must include:
Last name and first letter of the author name. (year of publication). Title of the article. Journal title, volumen (number), pages (from-to).
As for the statement, printed paper in the Proceedings, needs are:
Last name and first letter of the author name. (year of publication). Title, In: Proceedings Title (pages from-to). Place. Publisher.
Specifying a diploma, master or PhD thesis is done on the following principle:
Last name and first letter of the author name. (year of publication). Title. Type of work, Origin: Institution, Publisher.
A research project must include:
Last name and first letter of the author name. (year of publication). Title (Research Report). Origin: Institution, Publisher.
For unpublished works needs are:
Last name and first letter of the author name. (year of publication). Title. Unpublished work.
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